Thank you Beth! When I shop I find it very difficult to look at people’s shopping carts. Usually they look nothing like mine. Often they have the 6-pack of soda pop hanging off the sides for more room in the cart for frozen food and bags of chips. I wish I could change their eating habits but it is so difficult. Articles like this give me resources to build my case.

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Your description and graph of Omega 6:3 ratio night have benefitted from a bit more detail: Omega 6 fatty acids are generally not so good for you; Omega 3 fatty acids generally are better for you. It's usually accepted that less of the former (Omega 6) and/or more of the latter (Omega 3) is more healthy. A ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 is a worthwhile goal. That Whippoorwill Beef is less than 2:1, as compared with grain-fed beef that's 8:1 is so commendable! Thanks for your efforts to make healthy food available.

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