When I read this, it makes me admire what you do even more. You are facing so many odds, and yet, you persist! Bravo to you for continuing to fight the good fight.

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Thank you for shedding light on the insurance issue. It is catastrophic for independent farms. For those of us who want this corrected to support people who are solving on human, soil and community health - more important than ever to source directly from their products and services. We each can take budgets and re-appropriate. As for the other, these are big issues. We all need to push back and shed more light.

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Thanks for shedding light on this issue. My curiosity starts to wonder if the DSM insurance community, specifically on the innovation side could pop this up as a new line of business or startup. DSM is home to the Global Insurance Accelerator which seeds new Insurtech ideas. We should be solving problems like this in our own backyard...

Another thought is looking at the associations (PFI, IFU, even ISU) to advocate this to the ag brokers and carriers OR offer their own specialty insurance to members. Either way, more people need to hear this. Thanks for sharing.

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What a great column. Thank you for shining a light on the insurance industry. I am trying to put my brain around the Farm Bureau's response to you. In different times, it seems to me their response would be interpreted as an infringement on your freedom of speech. Their response reminds me of the Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado SCOTUS case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado_Civil_Rights_Commission

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Wow. Having gone through this insurance nightmare earlier this year, I feel your pain. Insurance companies spend huge dollars lobbying against regulation and this is what we get. They also pretend that premiums have something to do with claims when the truth is almost ALL of their income is from investments! It's all bull. Hope you can run in the black even with this insane expense.

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I'm aware that Insurance is quite different in the US to here in Australia, but it reflects risk. The chances of things happening that affect your business financially and personally. In your situation, that involves people (yourselves and others, including employees) as well as buildings, machinery, crops and livestock. Insurance companies cover less and less these days, so the decision to insure really comes down to how you perceive those risks and whether you can self-fund any possible incidents. Additionally, if choosing to take out insurance, are there ways to split the businesses out so perhaps you insure the hospitality aspect differently?

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Thank You for sharing and doing all of the research. unfortunately, the farm bureau and the large commodity groups run the country and USDA at the moment as you know. hopefully we can get that change in the future.

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Thank you Beth for your research and information. The type of farming you and John are doing is important for others to understand and support. The barriers to farming other than corn and beans in Iowa are hard crop overcome. Good luck to Whippoorwill Farm. Hang in there.

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You state republicans refuse to fund socia securuty, medicare and support student debt relief. First off Social security is paid by workers and employers. Its been misused by both parties and people have drawn from it that havent worked and in many cases too lazy to work. I drive a truck with over 400k miles and lived frugally to get my kids thru college....do I get my money back? Student loan firegiveness is nothing more than legal vote buying BS.

I fully agree about the golden crops and our money used to support them. Big business has/is ruining this country...including factory farms.

A bit about me Im a full time farmer raising cattle and have a large beekeeping business. Over my life 95% of my income is from farming. I use to have a small jog operation...20 sows when it was profitble. I WAS a democrat and county vice chair for 30 plus yrs until Obama shit (called Obamacare) took my health ins and tripled my cost. Now with the border mess it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for a democRAT. WE NEED A THIRD PARTY.

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Iowa needs more agritourism!!

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Thanks for sharing -- very few people know how much crop premiums are subsidized by the tax payers.

Also, I believe crop insurance is available for almonds, apples, avocados, bananas, blueberries, cabbage, chili peppers, citrus fruits and trees, coffee, cranberries, cucumbers, fresh and dried beans and peas, figs, fresh market beans, sweet corn, tomatoes, table grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, and several more -- LOL!

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